Custom Query (171 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1027 daemon fails to start if label plugin enabled andar bug major Plugin
#1072 Traceback on deluge 1.2.0_rc3 start andar bug major GTK UI
#1088 deluge-console pause hangs without any action and errors andar bug major Unknown
#1122 Needless re-checking of some torrents when deluge restarted without internet connection bug major Core
#1224 Deluge doesn't use the "share ratio limit" in general preferences bug major Core
#1230 Plugin label doesn't apply correctly the preferences when I change torrent between labels bug major 1.3 Plugin
#1270 Sometimes gtkUI doesn't show correctly the torrent list for a category bug major Future GTK UI
#1311 Notifications plugin broken in GTK UI s0undt3ch defect major 1.3 GTK UI
#1313 deluge-gtk can't connect to host bug major Future GTK UI
#1347 deluge-console fails on "info --verbose" bug major 1.3 Console UI
#1350 deluged crash on "Force recheck" of errored torrent bug major 1.3 Core
#1538 AppIndicator breaks trayicon Calum bug major GTK UI
#1550 Crash on passing a command line parameter bug major Future Core
#1916 [Win32] deluged does not start from connection manager bug major 1.3.4 Core
#2058 Mistake of showing peers,seeds in "( )" Damien Churchill bug major Web UI
#2319 Leak in webui Damien Churchill bug major not applicable Web UI
#2323 [win32] https tracker issue with libtorrent 0.16.x on windows 2.7py client bug major not applicable libtorrent
#2358 Per label torrent listing doesn't work bug major 2.0.0 GTK UI
#2384 invisible throttling bug? bug major Future Core
#2419 Deluge freezes upon adding magnets or torrent files bug major Future Core
#2449 Unable to add a .torrent file in deluge 1.3.6 in Debian. bug major not applicable Console UI
#2774 Deluge wont start when run from .desktop or commandline bug major needs verified GTK UI
#2816 GTK not refreshing torrent view from iconified bug major 2.0.0 GTK UI
#2860 WebUI plugin crashes deluge bug major 1.3.13 Unknown
#2912 GTK Problems: Sidebar not Working, GUI Randomly Hangs bug major needs verified GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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