Custom Query (207 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 207)

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Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3119 "Open" on "Files" tab context menu locks up GTK UI bug minor GTK UI develop
#1103 Global "Stop seed at ratio" setting overrides per-torrent disabling of "Stop seed" setting bug minor Core 1.3.0
#1174 Incorrect reporting of Download Progress andar bug major Core 1.2.1
#1189 Incomplete torrents give error at deluged start bug critical Core 1.2.1
#1199 deluge 1.2.2 considers 0.14.9 > 0.14.10 bug blocker Core 1.2.1
#1201 Deprecation warning, use get_session_status() bug trivial Core 1.2.3
#1202 AttributeError: Torrent instance has no attribute 'state' bug major Core 1.2.3
#1281 Warn/stop client connecting to incompatible deluged John Garland feature-request critical Core master
#1321 UPnP/NAT-PMP does not reopen ports when closed bug minor Core 1.3.0_dev
#1388 [win32] path to torrent-file contains non-ascii symbols bug minor Core 1.3.1
#1467 Log to file when not daemonized defect minor Core 1.3.1
#1875 NameError: name '_' is not defined s0undt3ch bug blocker Core master
#1924 Twisted error on attempt to connect to deluged with deluge-console bug minor Core master
#1943 Session handling breaks AutoAdd plugin bug critical Core master
#2007 UnicodeDecodeError when logging to file Calum bug minor Core master
#2039 line 1023, in on_alert_tracker_warning - UnicodeDecodeError bug minor Core master
#2091 Deluge (daemon) overwrites log when starting. bug minor Core 1.3.5
#2218 Use 0.16 libtorrent extension bindings or remove ut pex option bug critical Core master
#2241 Can't add any torrent files with GUI running bug major Core master
#2247 AttributeError in deluge.error.DaemonRunningError Bro bug minor Core master
#2277 get_torrent_status ignores plugins - Bug in commit 8c106ce8c4c0794ddd63e8e8f98b097221a56a52 bug critical Core master
#2400 Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour) OmegaPhil bug minor Core 1.3.6
#2448 Resume data is saved individually for all torrents on startup bug major Core develop
#2474 Replace add_torrent with async_add_torrent patch minor Core develop
#2733 : on_alert_performance - UnicodeDecodeError bug minor Core develop
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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